Dr. Mrinal Sharma
Dr. Mrinal Sharma is working as Director & HOD of Orthopaedics , at Amrita Hospital Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana 121002
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Dr. Mrinal Sharma is working as Director & HOD of Orthopedics , at Amrita Hospital Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana 121002. He is having An experience of +20 years in Orthopedic Sciences.
His expertise include :
- Anthroplasty (primary & revision) specialist
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Work Experiences
- Post –graduation (2004-2007) SMS hospital and medical college, Jaipur. India
- Senior Resident Gian Sagar Medical College Banur, Patiala. July 2007-dec 2007
- Senior Resident (2007-dec2008) Apollo Hospital , New Delhi
- Senior resident(dec2008-june2010) .University college of medical Sciences and GTB Hospital ,New Delhi
- Attending Surgeon , consultant grade,(july2010-sept2013) Indraprastha Apollo Hospital ,New Delhi
List of Treatments
- Total Knee Replacement
- Total Hip Replacement
- Revision Total Hip Replacement
- Revision Total Knee Replacement
- Partial Knee Replacement
- Robotic Assisted Arthroplasty
Amrita Hospital, Mata Amritanandamayi Marg, Sector 88, Faridabad, Haryana 121002
- MS (MAMC & LNH, Delhi)
- M.Ch Gold Medalist (SGSMC & KEMH, Mumbai)
- Senior Research Associate (AIIMS, Delhi)
- Robotic Scientific Fellow - OLV, Aalst, Belgium
- Minimally invasive (keyhole) spine surgery for slipped disc, canal stenosis)
- Craniovertebral junction (CVJ)
- Endoscopic spine surgery
- spinal fractures Surgery
- spinal tumors Surgery
- Birth Deformity correction Surgery (Kyphosis and Scoliosis)
Awards And Honours
- M P CHAPTER GOLD MEDAL 2010 at Cezcon,Jaipurfor best paper presentation on ‘osteosyn-thesis for Radial head & neck fractures’
- Certificate of honor at the doctor’s day celebrations on 1st july 2012 ,organized by senior cit-izen’s forum club 26 ,Noida.
- First Ambassador of Indian Orthopedic Association to Singapore.2010.
- SICOT India foundation Award 2014
- International healthcare services excellence award 2017 for Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in North India.
- Cawnpore Arthroplasty course 9-10th oct,2021. Best case presentation Award (Hip).