Craniotomy Surgery

Cost in India

Craniotomy Surgery cost in India

Cost in India: $6500

Surgery Name Cost Room-Category Hospitalization
Craniotomy Surgery cost in India
4 days ward + 1 ICU
Inclusion Exclusion
Room Rent
Overstay more than package days
Cost of Surgery
Any other Specialty Consultations
Consultation by Primary Team in Package days
pecial Equipment
Basic Investigations
Additional Procedure/Surgery
Blood Components
Additional Procedure/Surgery
About Package

A  brain tumor is abnormal growth of cells in your brain. Craniotomy is a surgical procedure to remove the brain tumor or abnormal brain tissue from inside the skull. During this procedure, Surgeon removes part of the bone from the skull to access The brain underneath that’s referred to as the ‘bone flap.  After the tumor is removed, surgeon will close the bone flap and replaced or covered with plates and screws or staples and may be covered with a soft bandage

Craniotomy may be done for following Reasons: -

  • Removal Brain tumors
  • Hematomas (Blood Clots)
  • Tumor Biopsy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Hemorrhage Treatment
  • Treatment of Aneurysms
  • Repaired the Damaged tissue
  • Abscesses Brain aneurysm repair
  • Severe nerve or facial pain
  • Epilepsy Treatment
  • Repairing the Skull Fractures
  • Brain Infection
  • Remove an arteriovenous fistula (AVF)
  • Arteriovenous malformation (AVM). 
  • Parkinson’s disease or dystonia with an internal stimulator device.

Diagnose Imaging for Brain Tumors

Doctor may order one or more imaging tests: –

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • MRI with contrast
  • CT scan
  • CT angiography (CTA)
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) or PET-CT scan
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)


Brain cancer symptoms are depending on the type, size and location of the tumor, 

  • Headaches
  • Seizure
  • Difficulty is speaking
  • Loss of sensation in some part of body or Paralysis depending on the region of the brain affected
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  • Changes in personality, mood, ability to focus, or behavior.
  • Loss of balance and trouble walking.
  • Weakness
  • Unusual sleepiness or change in activity level.

A primary brain tumor starts with an abnormal brain cell and almost never spread to other parts of the body. A metastatic (secondary) tumor began in another part of the body. (Such as lungs or breast) and then spreads to the brain,

There are 2 major types of brain tumor:

Benign (non-cancerous) – Benign tumors are a slow-growing tumors and less likely to relapse after treatment. Common benign tumors include meningiomas, neuromas, pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas.

Malignant (cancerous) – Malignant tumours are cancerous tumours which either start in the brain (primary) or aggressively spreads to other parts of the body. Common malignant tumours include astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, glioblastomas and mixed gliomas.

Treatment of Brain Tumor

Various treatments are used to treat brain cancer, including:

  1. Surgery  – Surgery by an experienced neurosurgeon to remove the brain tumor.
  2. Radiotherapy – Radiation Therapy

What is the life expectancy after a bone marrow transplant?

Patient who have undergone bone marrow transplant may live an additional 15 years after the treatment however live expectancy differs in many cases due to type of disease the patient has prior to the treatment. Consult a doctor for more accurate result based on the disease the patient has that led to bone marrow transplant.

What are the Preparation before the transplant?

You will need to undergo several health tests and exams at the transplant center before the transplant team can decide whether the surgery will be safe for you. These tests include:

  • Blood and tissue type tests
  • Test for HIV and hepatitis.

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