Liver transplant Surgery

Cost in India

Liver transplant Surgery Cost in India

Cost in India: $26000

Surgery Name Cost Room-Category Hospitalization
Liver transplant Surgery Cost in India
Patient – 21 days includes 5 days stay in ICU 16 days stay in single room. | Donor: 8 days includes 2 days stay in ICU 6 days stay in single room
Inclusion Exclusion
Pre-transplant evaluation of Recipient and one Donor on OPD basis.
Hospital-stay before the operation to improve the condition of patient and drugs / investigations after the discharge of the patient from the hospital.
Room rent: a. Recipient: 21 days includes 5 days stay in ICU 16 days stay in single room. b. Donor: 8 days includes 2 days stay in ICU 6 days stay in single room.
Workup of any additional donor
Surgeon’s Fees for both Donor & Recipient.
Over and above period of Hospital & ICU stay.
Anesthetist Fee for both Donor & Recipient.
All investigations, drugs, consumables etc. beyond ceiling rates.
Operation Theatre Charges for both Donor & Recipient
Medicines and Medical Consumables over and above the prescribed limit and some costly, infrequently used medicines like InjZenapax, Inj. Simulect, Inj. Valcyte, Inj. Novoseven, Inj. Thymoglobulin , Inj. Ambisome, Inj. Caspofungin, InjAnidulafungin etc.
Anesthesia Service Charges for both Donor & Recipient.
Any non- liver transplant consultants visit charges and procedure charges.
Laboratory Services Charges
Interventional radiology charges including Percutaneous Drain placement, Percutaneous Trans-hepatic Biliary Drainage, Angiography etc. 8. Cardiology related procedures like Echo, Angiography etc. 9. Nephrology related charges including Dialysis, CRRT etc.
Transfusion Services Charges
Endoscopic procedures like ERCP etc.
Radiology Services Charges
Physiotherapy Services Charges
Pharmacy Services Charges including Drugs &Medical Consumables
About Package

Need for stay in India after transplant:

  1. Donor: Need not stay in Delhi after surgery.
  2. Recipient: It is recommended that patient stays in Delhi for 1 month after operation as drug levels have to be monitored closely during this time. However, if the patient’s family can ensure such monitoring & follow-up in their native place, this requirement may be waived off.

Liver Transplant Guidelines & Documentation


Who can be a liver donor ?

  1. The donor must be a relative. He or she must be willing and happy to donate a part of his liver purely for altruistic reasons.
  2. He or she must preferably be between 18 and 45 years of age, healthy, fit and of a compatible / matching blood group.
  3. The liver looks one organ but is actually 8 separate lobes packaged in one. Hence it can be divided into these lobes! Usually for an adult – to – adult liver transplant, the right half of the liver        isdonated.Modern gadgets and techniques allow almost bloodless division of the liver into the right and left halves. Liver donation from a living donor is feasible and safe because the remnant left lobe grows back to 80% of the original size in weeks and to near original size within months. Such is the remarkable ability of the liver to regenerate.
  4. The risks of liver donation are perhaps less than 1 in 200 (0.5 %).
  5. The donor must be an adult and must be psychologically sound to be able to decide that he can be donor.
  6. Unrelated liver donation with any financial transaction between donor and recipient is illegal and punishable under Indian laws. We are unable to entertain any queries in this regard.
  7. If you wish to begin the donor evaluation immediately you could do the Level I & Level II tests in your country and mail us the reports :

The decision to repair or replace a damaged aortic valve depends on many things, including: 

  1. The severity of your aortic valve disease
  2. Your age and overall health
  3. Whether you need heart surgery to correct another heart problem in addition to aortic valve disease, such as heart bypass surgery to treat coronary artery disease, so both conditions can be treated at once

Level 1: Blood group; HBsAg, Anti HCV, HIV I & II CBC , LFT, Urea, Creatinine, P time / INR,  HbA1c Lipid profile and Serum T3, T4, TSH If these are okay, proceed to Level II

Level 2:  A good quality Triple phase CT Liver Angio ( donor protocol ) including a plain scan to  look at Liver Attenuation Please mail us the report and either courier or bring with you a CD which contains all volume data  of the CT in DICOM format. This scan is a crucial part of the donor work up.

Level 3 : MRCP

Level 4: Chest X-ray, ECG, Stress Echo, Lung Function Tests, For women – USG breast & pelvis,  Mammography ( > 40 yrs ), PAP smear ( married ladies ) , CA 125, HLA tissue typing

Level 3 and 4 tests for donor and all tests for patient / recipient can be completed within 48 hrs of arrival at our center. If all tests are okay , we can get on with the transplant quickly after seeking          approval from Government of India Transplant Authorization committee. This process may take 3 – 5 days.


Documents required for legal workup for liver transplant

Donor Recipient Donor's near relative
Birth certificate
Birth certificate
Documents for proof of relationship and identity for the Donor’s Near Relative
Marriage certificate
Marriage certificate
Birth certificate
Photo identity Card
Photo identity Card
Marriage certificate
Photo identity Card
Old photograph depicting recipient, donor and donor’s close relative
Old photograph depicting recipient, donor and donor’s close relative
Driving License

When do you need a Liver Transplant?

When your liver is damaged beyond repair, chronic or acute, severe liver disease leading to liver failure can be considered for a liver transplant.

The following conditions may result in chronic liver failure:

  1. Chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis
  2. Primary biliary cholangitis (previously called primary biliary cirrhosis, it is a rare condition where the immune system inappropriately attacks and destroys the bile ducts)
  3. Sclerosing cholangitis (scarring and narrowing of the bile ducts inside and outside of the liver, causing the backup of bile in the liver)
  4. Biliary atresia (a rare disease of the liver that affects newborns)
  5. Alcoholism
  6. Wilson’s disease (a rare inherited disease with abnormal levels of copper throughout the body, including the liver)
  7. Hemochromatosis (a common inherited disease where the body has too much iron)
  8. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (an abnormal rise in alpha-1 antitrypsin protein in the liver, resulting in cirrhosis)
  9. Fatty Liver
  10. Viruses
  11. Liver Cancer
  12. Alcohol Abuse
  13. Metabolic Diseases
  14. Bile duct Diseases
  15. Tylenol Overdose

What are the cause of Liver Failure?

  1. Fatty Liver
  2. Viruses
  3. Liver Cancer
  4. Alcohol Abuse
  5. Metabolic Diseases
  6. Bile duct Diseases
  7. Tylenol Overdose

What are the Sign and Symptoms of Liver Failure?

  1. Jaundice
  2. Weakness
  3. Losing your appetite
  4. Feeling sick to the stomach
  5. Weight loss
  6. Itching
  7. Bleeding easily
  8. Throwing up blood
  9. Passing black stools
  10. Swollen abdomen
  11. Becoming forgetful or confused

What are the major risks in liver transplantation?

Risks include bleeding, poor function of the grafted liver, bile leaks infections. We monitor the patient carefully for several weeks after surgery for rejection. Rejection becomes less common with time.

What is the success rate of Liver Transplant in India?

In India, the success rate of Liver transplant has been  90%. But like any other transplant, liver transplant has its very own risks and complication.

What Are the Types of Liver Transplants?

Orthotropic Liver Transplantation  is when the diseased liver is replaced by a healthy liver from a donor who has recently died. This is the most common procedure for liver transplants.

Living Donor Transplantation  is when a living person donates a part of his or her liver to someone who needs a new liver. This procedure has been increasingly successful, but it carries risks for the donor, and only a small number of living donor transplants are available for patients with liver cancer.

What are the types of liver transplant?

Living Donor Liver Transplantation (LDLT): – Liver is transplanted with a part of a living donor’s healthy liver and removal of the diseased liver from the patient. The liver in both the donor & receiver then grows back to its normal size.

Cadaver Liver Transplantation: – Liver transplant is done with the healthy liver of a deceased person and removal of the diseased liver from the patient!

Domino Liver Transplantation: – Liver taken from a liver transplant recipient is placed into a second person with a liver disease and awaiting transplant. It is typically for elderly patients.

Split Liver Transplantation: – Liver transplant is performed by taking the healthy liver of a deceased person and splitting into two for transplanting into two patients and removal of the diseased liver from both the patients.


What Happens During Liver Transplant Surgery?

During transplant surgery, the transplant team replaces the diseased liver with a donated, healthy liver. The blood type and body size of the donor have to match the person receiving the transplant. Liver transplant surgery usually takes between 4 and 12 hours. Most patients stay in the hospital for up to 3 weeks after surgery.

How long Patient lives or survival after a Liver transplant?

According to a study, people who have a liver transplant have an 89% percent chance of living after one year. The five-year survival rate is 75 percent. Sometimes the transplanted liver can fail, or the original disease may return. 

It’s important that your doctor monitors your recovery long after the transplant to detect any problems. You’ll likely need regular blood tests. you’ll also need to take antirejection medications for the rest of your life.

After How Many Days Living Liver Donor Can Resume his Normal Life?

After operation, the donor will stay in hospital for 5-10 days. Another 3-4 weeks of recuperation is required at home. After that, the donor can resume normal activity (except strenuous physical exercise) and return to work 6 weeks after surgery. Sexual activity can be resumed as soon as the donor feels well enough. Heavy physical activity, sports including lifting weights can be resumed 3 months after surgery.

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    What are the types of liver transplant?

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